Myanmar is the country's democratic transition lasted 4 years. But until now, the government of Myanmar and the national parliaments are not strong enough and not willing to design the proposed law the legal aid in Myanmar. So what happened to the poor in Myanmar in the context of acces to court, because the constitution myanmar only provide legal aid for the death penalty and transport.
Therefore, myanmar lawyers and human rights activists have had the initiative to provide legal aid for the poor, especially in criminal cases. One of legal aid organizations in Myanmar is Yangon Justice Centre (YJC).
Yangon Justice Centre (YJC) opened on April 1, 2014, and they began to accept the case on July 1, 2013. YJC providing legal representation in criminal cases such as our original case, appeal and revision cases, to provide advice as civil and criminal cases and then conduct legal education program.
YJC office address is 93, Seik Kan Thar Street, Kyauktada Township, Yangon. YJC mainly focusing on western counties such as; 1) The District Court West, 2) Hlaing Township Court, 3) Kamaryut Township Court 4) Mayangone Township Court, 5) Ahlone Township Court, 6) Kyitmyintaing Township Court, 7) Sanchaung Township Court, 8) Materials Township Court, 9) Lanmataw Township court, 10) Dagon Township court, 11) Latha Township court, 12) Seikkan Township court, 13) Kyauktada Township court, 14) Pabaedan Township court and in the appeals and revisions, high courts and the Supreme Court.
In the implementation of the legal aid YJC criteria, who for legal aid receiver, such as:
- People who are unemployed and have no income or assets;
- Prisoners who do not have a relationship with the family
- The defendant who does not have a lawyer at the first trial
- One person employed but / monthly income of less than 100,000 kyat (100 usd);
- Married people are employed but with a total household income of less than 300,000 kyat or more if they have school-age children, or people with disabilities or illness in their family;
- Female children, sick people who qualify for legal aid without a means test
Personnel from YJC in implementing legal aid in Myanmar, namely:
- 1 Program Director
- Director 1
- Office Manager 1
- Senior Lawyer 2 people
- Junior Lawyer 3 people
- Chamber 4 People
- Paralegal 4 people.- Admin & Finance Officer 1.
- Office Assistant 2 people.
The following organizational structure of Yangon Justice Centre:
Although new established YJC but they have achievement particularly in litigation, such as:
Case-handling (original case) = 297 cases
Legal consultation = 160 cases
Appeal = 7 cases
Revision = 6 cases
Release Cases Quantity
Discharge = 7 cases
Acquittal = 3 cases
Total = 10 cases
The following of YJC handling cases monthly averages :
Addition activities of YJC. They Have activities non litigation such as:
Paralegal Trainings,
Lawyer Trainings
Today, myanmar people a bit lucky because the establishment of legal aid in myanmar, although until now there is no policy of the national government and parliament of myanmar to the make sure the implementation of legal aid. Hope in the future, the people of Myanmar should urge the government and parliament to immediately realize the legal aid law in Myanmar, which is a right of peoples rights and obligations for the government of Myanmar. Although it is difficult but it will be realized, let's do the action that can be done to encourage the birth of Law legal aid in Myanmar.
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