We departed from Yangon Airport around 1:50 o'clock PM. Before leaving I took some pictures. We select the flight by plane Myanmar Air Ways. The journey from Yangon Airport to Kyauk Phyu about 1 hour. So we arrived at the airport Kyauk Phyu around 3:00 o'clock PM. When they arrived at the airport kyau Phyu, we continue the journey with a motor tricycles to the venue which takes about 15 minutes to Yatanar Pone Motel.

After that, around at 08.00 pm we
got ready for dinner. And this is also the first time for my dinner at
Raikhine. After the food served we started dinner. Because hungry or tired, I
ate so ravenously even asked for additional rice. I so enjoyed the first dinner
Raikhine statet (Kyauk Phyu Township). After that, around at 08.00 pm we got
ready for dinner. And this is also the first time for my dinner at Raikhine.
After the food served we started dinner. Because hungry or tired, I ate so
ravenously even asked for additional rice. I so enjoyed the first dinner
Raikhine statet (Kyauk Phyu Township). Hopefully for the next day I could enjoy
and united with the people of raikhine until my return to Yangon on October 27.
Look forward to the next story of my
second day in Raikhine State.
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