Monday, October 27, 2014

Story of My Journey in Myanmar: Second Day Journey in Rakhine State (Kyauk Phyu), Myanmar

My journey on the second day in Rakhine State, (25/10). Starting with waking At 07;00AM. After waking up and then shower. After that prepare everything required before heading to the community paralegal training.
Before heading to the community paralegal training, we had breakfast first at 08.30AM, after that we went to a paralegal training, Training begins at 09:30AM, starting with the topic about labor law, where the speaker in this topic is a senior lawyer, Ma Thin Mint from U Kyaw Law Firm in Myanmar.

In the session's description of labor law, the training participants paralegal community so interested on listening and asking. The main point from participant that many occur in the company but the government can not do
anything to crack down a naughty businessman.

Especially obstruction the establishment of labor unions. Even though Myanmar has started a new chapter the post-military dictatorship under the leadership of U Thein Sein, which should have been much more better. The material Topics labor law is over at 10:45AM. After around 15 minutes of break time, later followed by material Jucial System. then continued with topic about Judicial System.

Before starting materials judicial system, I introduce myself to all participants about who I am, and my job and the organization. Frankly, I am very happy to meet with people which live in Raikhine State of Myanmar. After that the material Judicial system began.

The material of the Judicial System presented by Tun Hlaing, he is a lawyer, which also who served as an office manager in Yangon Justice Center. On the session the participants are also very interested and want to know about the court system in Myanmar. The session finished at 04:00 PM.

After the training ended, we went to the Kyauk Phyu beach to see the beauty of the beach, well as feel the air on the beach. Before heading to the beach we were changed clothes to go to the beach and then we went to the beach at about 05.00PM with driving a motorcab, which took a trip to the beach around 15 minutes.

After arriving at the beach we were met and blend it with the local people who are playing football. And we were playing football with the local people, we so enjoyed playing football. We finished to playing football around 06:00PM. Then return to the venue.

Arriving at the venue we showered to prepare for dinner. Where we start dinner at 08.00PM. Before dinner we drink a glass of beer. When finished dinner we went back to the inn to rest. So that the next day we can go ahead and do the activity again.

Frankly, activity on the second day I felt that the people who live in the Raikhine State have desire to ensure that everyone who lives in raikhine can live in prosperity, in which most of them are farmers and some become migrant workers in the overseas only to find a bite of rice and can survive. As well as those in raikhine state also has a high desire of knowledge about the law and wanted to know what they are entitled. Although most of the participants in this training has not relatively young age again, but they have the spirit for learning. Because they have a desire the better for future in Raikhine State.

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