by Marulitua Rajagukguk
On Sunday, 8th February 2015, we were LBH Jakarta, Human Rights and Development Foundation (Thailand), Yangon Justice Centre dan U Kyaw Mint Law Firm met eight labors of myanmar. They are working as labour of factories located in Lamthaya, Yangon. We met in Lamthya justice centre, which one of branch of U Kyaw Mint Law Firm and then we had discussed on labor issues based on their experiences.
We conducted interview with labor of myanmar started from 03p.m to 5p,m. In interview were uncovered many labor problems in myanmar, its concern we were
Labor of Myanmar said to us, they have been working in factory for a year, three years until six years. Labors status are contract labor. The position of labor different such as: supervisor, staff in factories.
They Labor from Rakhine State located in western myanmar, which is far enough from the lamtha, if go by airplane from we need one hour..
The Labor of myanmar told one of our rights is wage. We got wage each month. Ours salary a month is 70 $ US include with overtime and Wage for Labor with supervisor position is 100 $ US per month include overtime.
Moreover, the Labor told to us they were not joining labor union. Our reason why not joined labor union because we didn't know information on labour union. And other reason, if we join with labour union we must ready for lay off from factories. This is dilemma for us. We hopefully can join and establish labour union in our factories. Current situation in our factories, if the labour join with labor union, the factory is afraid because after labor union is establish that labor union will demonstration opponent with factory. That is why if the labor are joining with labour union the factory automatically layoff labor.
In Addition the other Labor said, that number of labor our factory working are around 1.000 people too 2.000 people located in Hlaing Thayar. Beside wage issues, we are being facing on day off. Where factories gave one day off per week, and other our rights are health insurance, social security, and the bonus for labor. We are working almost every day in a month but we just received wage per month its not exceed 100 $ US, Labor added.
The other problem, Labour said on working hours every day. We did work every day for around six days per week and working hour for one day we started 7.30am to 11 Pm and this we must did every day for working in factories. And normally hour working is starting 7.30a.m to 6.30 p.m, after that labor must do overtime every day in factories until 11 Pm. And overtime in our factory its not voluntary but its compulsory. If the labor are not overtime, the labor not receive bonus, even under threat lay off. The other labor added, sorrowful situation labor in other factories they had off day just two day per month.
Furthermore labour explained, almost owner of factories in Hlaing Thar Yar, Yangon from china and taiwan. According to Labour, The ironic again that labour didn't know what their rights, because the factory never give copy of labor agreement to them, although they signed up a labor agreement before they are working.
Moreover, the other complaint of labor on hour working, because mostly labor return to their home almost at midnight. We have problem on transportation because to get transportation almost midnight in hlaing thayar very difficult and also almost factories never provided transportation for labor to return to their home.
We are working class, factories often infringe your rights or we can said here labor of myanmar are exploitation by factory. The labor of myanmar can not do anything to change bad situation. We just complaint to our boss like supervisor, if our boss dont have a responses, we give up. Because if we are protesting and doing demonstration that we under threat for lay off. And other situation in myanmar to get job very difficult and we can see a lot of people of myanmar jobless.
Other things, We regreted to our government, because the government nothing action to make sure labor rights to fulfill by factories based on existing labor law in myanmar. Even the labor said the myanmar of goverment supported factories, they never care labor. We can’t do anything, just waiting mercy from factory. We have dream for future, maybe someday labor of myanmar must be join labor union to consolidated every labor of myanmar to fight for our right are taken by factory. Because by labor union we are optimistic can be to freeing for labor of myanmar from exploitation of factory.
[1] Public Defender in LBH Jakarta and since August 2014- August 2015 as fellow of FK Norway for lawyer exchange programs on access to justice, which is posting in Yangon Justice Centre Office, Myanmar.
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