Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Voices of People of Rakhine State, Myanmar for Legal Aid

This is the hope of the people of Raikhine on the issue of legal aid for Myanmar Government. This is a short interview I did for a society Rakhine state is already 20 years of living in raikhine state. although I interview just one person, at least these interviews represent the community. Here are the results of my interview on Sunday, October 26, 2014.

What is your name?

My name is U Thein Zaw.

What is your job?
I’m work in Rakhine National Party in Kyauk Phyu township Raikhine State.

What is your last education?
I graduated from a degree in physics.

How long have you lived in Rakhine?
I have lived in Rakhine for 20 years.

How do you think the situation in Myanmar before and after the democratic transition?
According to U thein zaw, , that the whole life in the military government, the people in raikhine not had a chance to speak, there is no freedom of expression but now the people started to brave and have opportunity for speech and public participation of people raikhine, little better than during the regim of military dictatorship. 

Did you ever hear of legal aid? What do you know about legal aid?
I have never heard of legal aid. I hear the word legal aid after training given by U Kyaw Mint Yangon Law and Justice Centre, on 22-26 October 2014.

How about you the implementation of legal aid in Myanmar?
I think the implementation of legal aid in Raikhine very slow.

What has been done by the government to developing building legal aid in Raikhine State?
Until now, after the military government dictatorship ended, nothing had been done by the government to developing legal aid system in myanmar. especially in raikhine even legal counseling and legal aid training has never done in raikhine.

What are your hope and input about issue of legal aid for Myanmar Government?
People of Raikhine State have hope and input about legal aid for Myanmar Government that is take action, like conduct training for CSOs and communities in Rakhine because people raikhine blind law, which does not know about the law in Myanmar, especially in rural communities in raikhine State And encourage the government to ensure the right to legal aid by making legal aid law.

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